SB 850 Rears Its Ugly Head
Take Action!
PCA Could Be Eliminated with the Passage of SB 850
As of this morning everything has changed for the worse.
All reports are that Senate Bill 850 is back in consideration (zero funding for the arts and total elimination of the PCA) plus another $1.7 billion in cuts to other remaining appropriations. Its passage would mean no grants to the arts for FY2009-2010. The strongest possible message of support for PCA arts funding must be sent to your elected officials without delay.
We can see no good outcome without your immediate and significant action to support state funding for Pennsylvania's arts! Programs, jobs and services are at stake.
Here's what you can do to help save arts funding:
Please take a few minutes today and send an e-mail to the Governor and your legislators to tell them that you support the passage of a budget that includes $14 million for the arts. If you support a tax increase in order to ensure that government services, including arts grants, continue, let them know that as well. Don't put this off...a budget could be passed before you take action.
Attend the Save the Arts in Pennsylvania Rally on July 14. The rally will be held in the Main Rotunda in the State Capitol Building in Harrisburg and will begin at 11 AM. Ask friends, family, business associates, etc. to join you. Bring signs, posters, wear t-shirts with a save the arts message. The important thing is to be there to voice your support for state arts funding.
Help us save the arts in Pennsylvania today!
Another excerpt from a letter
Senate Bill 850, that eliminates all funding for the arts and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, is back under consideration.
But it is worse.
The proposed budget in SB 850 would need to be reduced by an additional $1.7 billion to balance the budget. That’s billion, with a “B.”
Please join with us in supporting continued state funding for the arts.
We need your help.
Join us and tell your friends about the upcoming Arts Rally at the Capitol on Tuesday, July 14 at 11 am in the Rotunda of the Main Capitol. Your presence will make a powerful statement of support for the arts. Register now: