I joined artists Jon Manteau and Jim Lee on a seven hour, approximately 50 gallery tour in New York City this past Friday. I will give you some of the standouts although the level of quality was high pretty much everywhere.
Can't say I was dissapointed with the Kandinsky exhibit at the Guggenheim because I wasn't expecting to be wowed anyway.
The new Frank Stella work at Paul Kasmin might have been the best thing I saw. It is easy to take someone like Mr. Stella for granted but I guarentee if you never heard of him or saw his work and walked in you would be impressed.
Another favorite for me was the work of Rosy Keyser at Peter Blum. The last show was really strong as is this one and she continues to change which I find much more interesting than artists who explore very narrow territory.
An artist who I had not seen before, Simone Lucas, was a nice surprise at Jack Tilton uptown. The piece above is my favorite both in concept and execution. I would love to see every artist do a version of this using their own work.
Another good show that I originally saw on artnet.com was that of Conrad Marco-Relli at Knoedler & Co.
Other strong shows came from Mark Bradford, Damian Ortega, Cy Twombly and Magnus Plessen. The clock ran out at 6:00 before we could hit some of the places that we really wanted to visit, so what's new.