CrazyTime Tea Crash

Just like everyone else in the world, I've been following this debt crisis debate for the past few weeks.

The composite image above came from combining two separate ideas I was working on. I wanted to do a huge tea bag for a while and was researching the paper they use to make the real thing. The image of a ceiling that has crashed down is pretty obvious, but is still powerful.

I would like to find a gallery or alternative space that would be interested in showing this work. It could even be a performance piece where I would paint and drop the ceiling live. The crashing sound and associated mess would be pretty dramatic.

CrazyTime Tea Crash, 2011. Tea bag: paper, crushed leaves, wire, string, 4x3 feet. Ceiling: gypsum wallboard, spray paint, 4x8 feet. By Vincent Romaniello.

To see more work from this sculpture project visit my website.