Fountain Square arts district in Indianapolis
Murphy Center under renovation
First Friday brought out a good crowd

Hall art and projected title  "Vincent Romaniello's Awful Rotten Vile Gross" 
Visitors to Awful Rotten Vile Gross at SpaceCamp Microgallery, Indianapolis
"Last Straw" 1x10' and "Twist Ties" 2.5x108" each
"CrazyTime Tea" 3x4' with ephemera
"Chip Bag" 5.5x9'
Unique triangular space
"Pink Slip" and "Twist Tie" in door opening
"Fortune" 3x2x1'  2011
"Sunny" with CrazyTime Tea"
Band warming up in another space
Reception for Heather Accurso at Big Car
The work of Heather Accurso 
Indy Moca has a ground floor space

photos by Vincent Romaniello