From Dwayne Butcher's press release:

2011 proved to be an incredible year for Dwayne Butcher. He did not get anyone pregnant nor did he die, fabulous news! He moved into a new studio, lost 20 pounds and won 117 bucks at the dog track one day, super-fabulous news!

2012 will prove to be just as spectacular as he prepares for exhibitions that will put Memphis at the forefront of the international contemporary art scene. He hopes the Mayans are correct about the end of the world as he has a tremendous amount of student loans yet to pay. He does not really believe the world will come an end in 2012.

Attached is a piece from his upcoming exhibition The Politics of Inclusion opening at David Lusk Gallery in March. Be on the lookout for more outrageously fabulous news about and from Dwayne Butcher in the coming year.

v dwayne